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The Complexities of Identifying Higher Ed’s Return on Investment Today

September 1, 2021

High costs, personalized experiences, online learning, and more all play a role in how students view the value of higher education.

Rogers State University Wins the Hearts and Minds of First-Generation Students With Jenzabar Recruitment

August 18, 2021

Rogers State University gives some tips for using Jenzabar Recruitment to expand its enrollment reach.

How Can You Use Student Data to Improve Retention?

July 7, 2021

With the right tools and strategy, institutions can identify and use specific student data to observe engagement and retention intent.

5 Tips for Selecting Your Higher Ed CRM

June 2, 2021

A modern constituent relationship management (CRM) solution can help institutions improve how they recruit, enroll, retain, and communicate with students.

3 Tips for Tackling Summer Melt From Enrollment Pros

May 5, 2021

Hear best practices from enrollment experts about how institutions can revisit their recruitment and retention tactics to reduce summer melt.

How Financial Aid Can Drive Student Enrollment

March 24, 2021

Higher education institutions can simplify the financial aid process and deliver timely, accurate offers to improve student enrollment.

How Institutions Can Use Financial Aid to Drive Student Retention

March 3, 2021

While retaining students is a challenge in higher ed, institutions can offer relevant financial aid to incentivize and support students’ return to campus.

Technologies That Drive Higher Ed Digital Transformation During Unprecedented Times

February 10, 2021

Even though enrollment has been on the decline, higher education institutions should still invest in digital transformations to build a foundation for the future.

Higher Ed Recruitment in the COVID-19 Era: What’s Different?

November 18, 2020

COVID-19 has increased the pressure and changed how higher education institutions recruit new students. Is there a solution?

6 Tips for Using Financial Aid to Combat Enrollment Challenges

October 28, 2020

As institutions face enrollment challenges, revisiting financial aid offers and processes can prove rewarding.

How Can Chatbots Support Student Life?

September 23, 2020

Chatbots can help institutions address student life concerns during the pandemic and can make onboarding new students more rewarding.

Survey Says Institutions Are Hitting Enrollment Goals - How?

September 16, 2020

A Jenzabar survey revealed that institutions are hitting enrollment goals by personalizing outreach, incentivizing students, and opening new communication channels.

7 Tips for Planning for the Fall Return of Students

August 12, 2020

As institutions plan for students to return, it’s important to revisit strategies and best practices to support a safe and healthy learning environment.

3 Tips to Invigorate Student Retention During COVID-19

August 5, 2020

With student enrollment numbers in question during the pandemic, the ability to retain existing students is more important than ever.