


5 Silver Linings From COVID-19 for Higher Education

December 9, 2020

Let’s look at some of the positive outcomes that the pandemic has enabled for higher education.

3 Ways Technology Creates a Great Student Experience

December 2, 2020

Learn how technology is becoming an enabler for delivering more personalized learning experiences in today’s changing environment.

Higher Ed Recruitment in the COVID-19 Era: What’s Different?

November 18, 2020

COVID-19 has increased the pressure and changed how higher education institutions recruit new students. Is there a solution?

Top 3 Takeaways From EDUCAUSE 2020

November 11, 2020

With EDUCAUSE 2020 wrapped up, it’s time to look at the event’s themes and how institutions can apply lessons learned to make 2021 a success.

Why You Need to Modernize and Integrate the SIS Across Campus

November 4, 2020

An institution’s student information system should seamlessly integrate with digital systems on campus to improve efficiency and student experiences.

6 Tips for Using Financial Aid to Combat Enrollment Challenges

October 28, 2020

As institutions face enrollment challenges, revisiting financial aid offers and processes can prove rewarding.

EDUCAUSE 2020: Transformation is the Talk of the Town

October 21, 2020

As transformation takes root in higher education, don’t miss out on the opportunity to meet with Jenzabar virtually at EDUCAUSE 2020 and discuss what you need to do.

How Mature is Your Institution’s Online Learning Environment?

October 14, 2020

Download this report from Gartner to evaluate if your online learning environment is competitive and compelling.

What is the State of Learning in Higher Education’s Fall 2020 Semester?

October 7, 2020

A look at how institutions opened campus in the fall 2020 semester can shed light on the state of learning today and in the future.

Get Better Insight to Your Institution’s Financial Health

September 30, 2020

With real-time insight into their financial health, institutions can make better decisions and be more agile in an otherwise unpredictable landscape.

How Can Chatbots Support Student Life?

September 23, 2020

Chatbots can help institutions address student life concerns during the pandemic and can make onboarding new students more rewarding.

Survey Says Institutions Are Hitting Enrollment Goals - How?

September 16, 2020

A Jenzabar survey revealed that institutions are hitting enrollment goals by personalizing outreach, incentivizing students, and opening new communication channels.

How to Strengthen Higher Education’s Weakest Cybersecurity Link

September 9, 2020

As online learning and remote working gain traction, higher education institutions need to review and update cybersecurity plans to keep sensitive information and users safe.

Is Your SIS Easy to Use? How to Get Widespread Buy-In From Your Community

September 2, 2020

A modern student information system should ease data collection and improve experiences with intuitive interfaces and universal accessibility.